Delete Camunda process history with Robot Framework
In this small excerpt, I will show you how you can use Robot Framework for deleting process history on demand.
I usually write about CamundaLibrary providing comfortable keywords in Robot Framework for working with Camunda Platform. Those keywords use Camunda’s rich REST API which has much more to offer than CamundaLibrary currently covers. When you are working with Robot and Camunda, you might end up with a less common case which is not supported, yet.
In that case, you can use another powerful and very well maintained library: the RequestsLibrary. This example shows how you can use RequestsLibrary for cleanup process history:
In essence, you need to build a HTTP call with RequestsLibrary. Luckily, Camunda has its REST API very well documented, there you can easily check the specification for cleanup process history.
If you wonder about line 3 and 13 where this json library comes from: this is the ordinary json module provided in every python SDK. Yes, you can use any python module in Robot.
In contrast to CamundaLibrary, this snippet is more hacky. But whenever I need a quick hack, I still use Robot Framework instead of writing some python scripts that a potential future me would probably struggle to understand.
Do you believe, cleanup of process history should be covered soon by CamundaLibrary? Do you want to talk about Camunda and Robot Framework? Open a discussion on GitHub, a Feature Request or talk to me on Robot Framework community channels.